Tag Archives: Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Nothing says “Merry Christmas” like Mola Ram

Yesterday I was out doing some Christmas shopping. It was actually a fairly decent day to do it because freezing rain was coming down and very few people were in the stores. I could take my time and browse all of the items to decide what I really wanted to get people.

I have a 15 month little girl and I have made a tradition of getting her one present that people can look at and know instantly it is from me. For example, when she 3 months old I got her a guitar for Christmas. It was a little kid guitar and it lit up and made weird noises and she loved it even though it was supposed to be for older kids.

She is at the stage now where she is beginning to comprehend things really really well and she is starting to enjoy television.  I am planning on making this the year to start getting her into my two favorite reasons for being alive…watching Star Wars and Indiana Jones, so I wanted to geher something from one of those movies.

My first thought was to get her a lightsaber. I found a really really cool one that was modeled off of Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber from ROTJ and it lit up and made sounds. I figured she would love it. After thinking about it for a while though I decided that the idea of my 15 month old little girl running around the house wielding a 3 and a half foot lightsaber might not be the best idea.

There were a lot of cool action figures and playsets and vehicles and things, but everything had really Small parts so I decided it was a little to early to start with that kind of stuff. She’s a smart girl and she doesn’t try to eat things that aren’t food, but I can just see a little storm trooper head being shoved up her nose or something.

I moved on down the isle to where they had the Indiana Jones toys located and I started poking through those.

That’s when it happened. I came upon a series of toys called “Mighty Mugs”. They are a line of toys produced by Hasbro, and though I understand the market segment they are trying to reach, I hate when they try and cutsie up toys toy make them different.  I realize that the reason they do this is to reach a market that my daughter is in: that being the children of nerds still too small for real toys. I was about to give up and move on when…I saw it.

Mola Ram you have my heart. Really.

Mola Ram you have my heart. Really.

That’s right. Mola Ram from Temple of doom done up as a cutie. He even has a little heart shaped flaming heart in his weird half circle hand. If for some reason you are a complete idiot and don’t remember who Mola Ram is, he was the leader of the Thuggee Cult in Temple of Doom. Oh, you know, the guy that wore a big ass skull on his head and would rip out people’s hearts while yelling “Kali Ma”. Then make them drink the cursed blood of the dead to do his bidding. He also had an army of children trapped under ground doing physical labor. In other words, THE PERFECT CUTE TOY!!!

Lets be honest. I will probably end up owning the entire line of these things.

What are some toys that you guys like/find stupid?

The Top 50 Greatest Movies Of All Time (That You SHOULD Have Seen)

I’ve compiled a list of some of the greatest motion pictures ever made. Some of the most famous films that have ever hit the industry. Movies that have been parodied time and time and again. Movies that all of YOU should have seen a long time ago.

If you haven’t, shame on you.

25. First Blood (1982)


The very first Rambo movie, and probably some of Stallone’s best work. Scenes and lines from these movies have been parodied countless times by TV shows and other movies including Hot Shots! part due x. Go out and rent or buy this movie NOW. the new Rambo movie opens on January 25th and I’m sure will rock just like the last three.

24. National Lampoon’s Vacation (1983)


One of the greatest classic comedies ever made, NLV is for sure a true classic from the cinema and a must see movie. Everyone has seen this movie at least twice (it’s on TBS a LOT…well it used to be). If you haven’t seen this, i’m sure you have seen “Christmas Vacation”. But this movie is a sure fire classic. “roll ’em up.”

23. Citizen Kane (1941)


Citizen Kane has been tagged by some, as one of the greatest movies EVER made. And they may be right. Directed by the late great Orson Welles,The film is basically about a group of reporters who are trying to decipher the last word ever spoke by Charles Foster Kane, the millionaire newspaper tycoon: “Rosebud.”As the reporters investigate further, the viewers see a display of a fascinating man’s rise to fame, and how he eventually fell off the “top of the world.” Not a film to pass up. One of the greatest ever made.

22. Casablanca (1942)


Classic film set in unoccupied Africa during the early days of World War II: An American expatriate meets a former lover, with unforeseen complications.

21. Rocky (1976)


Now, i know a lot of people aren’t into boxing, or boxing movies, but Rocky is without a doubt one of cinema’s greatest sports films. It was the movie that taught us courage, and to fight at no matter what the cost. The film did so well, it spawned 5 sequels, all of which star Stallone as Rocky Balboa.

20.War Of The Worlds (1953)


What began as H.G. Wells terrifying radio broadcast, transformed itself into a motion picture in 1953. To this day the movie is still frightening, and though has been colorized since, still leaves a chill down your spine. People actually believed that the radio broadcasts that were made actually happened, turning citizens into a panic. In 2005, Stephen Spielberg did a horror remake of this classic film. Watch the original first before you see the new one. The DVD includes original War Of The Worlds radio broadcasts. Great stuff.

19. The Last Starfighter (1984)


A story of a young man living in a trailer park, who plays a Starfighter arcade game which turns out to be a training device for the space war.And of course in the end, he believes in himself and saves the day. Sound familiar? of course it does, but I’m sure you’ve never seen this movie. But you should.

18. Police Academy (1984)


Do i even need to review this movie? You have seen Police Academy right? Well i hope so.Misfits training to be cops…80’s style. Can’t pass this one up. You can get the DVD of this for about 5 bucks, and i suggest you do…or I’ll cut you. Well maybe not. But you deserve it if you don’t see this movie.

17. Predator (1987)


Ah yes, Arnold is here to kick alien butt. Or to have his butt kicked BY aliens. Predator is a cult classic, that became even more popular from Alien series, comic books, and the AVP comic books and movies. Arnold is trapped in the jungle, alone, fighting off (as he calls it) “One ugly mother f#@ker!” Be sure to check out Predator 2, though it didn’t make it on this list, is a fun sequel none the less.

16. Caddyshack (1980)


Who could forget Caddyshack? Billy Murray battling the gopher. Rodney Dangerfield being…well pretty much himself. A true American classic. Though Chevy chase is often ridiculed in this day in age, he was a good actor back in the day, and a funny guy. Kudos to you Chevy for hanging in there all those years. Sorry about your TV show, but it did suck.

15. Monty Python And the Holy Grail (1975)


Don’t even lie to me and tell you have never seen Monty Python and the holy grail. Because you NEED to see this movie. Sure, British comedy is a little different then ours, but it’s funny, intelligent and most importantly….witty. I’m a big fan of this film, and their other films, but if theres one you must see, it’s this one. “you must bring us…a shrubbery!”

14. Red Dawn (1984)


It is the dawn of World War III. In mid-western America, a group of teenagers bands together to defend their town, and their country, from invading Soviet forces.It’s Patrick Swayze. It’s Charlie Sheen. It’s Lea Thompson. It’s 1984. What more could be said about this movie? I have only just recently seen this film a few years ago, and i was not disappointed. Sure it’s a LITTLE cheesy. A little far-fetched, but it’s one of the greats from the 80’s.

13. T2: Judgment Day (1991)


James Cameron’s dark sequel to the terminator is a thrill ride from beginning to end, and more of a classic then the original. This movie is where the famous “I’ll Be Back” line originated from. This is the film in which you see the human race wiped out and disintegrated in a vision. One of the greatest Sci-Fi’s ever made.

12. Alien (1979)


Director Ridley Scott brings us the story of Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) and her seemless endeavor of trying to stay alive after an Alien climbs itself on board of her space ship.Now some will argue that “Aliens” is a much better film, and they may be right. There are more Aliens in the sequel, and much more story to tell…but theres something about Alien that remains a classic in movie history. This is where it all began. But then again the classic “bitch!” from Aliens is a force not to be reckoned with.

11. Army Of Darkness (1992)


This was a tough decision to make. I was trying to figure out if “Evil Dead II – Dead By Dawn” deserved this spot, or my personal favorite “Army Of Darkness”. In the end, i decided on AOD because it is the more famous of the trilogy. Video games, TV shows, and movies have all done parodies or AOD. This movie has become a cult classic over the years, and it deserves it so. If the movie was a big hit in theaters, maybe the film wouldn’t have the value it has today. It’s a great tale of man who gets hurled back in time to defeat the evil dead. He doesn’t want to be there, he just wants to go home.He embarks a horrible mission where the evil is torturing him along the way And in the end, he comes to his senses, swallows his pride and kicks some dead butt. Hail to the king baby!Great one-liners too.

10. The Goonies (1985)


Richard Donner’s classic film about some youngin’s looking for gold under the earth. Classic characters and great story telling. The Goonies isn’t for everyone, but it’s a classic film remembered for it’s 80’s style humer and actors. Check it out if you’ve never seen it.

9. Lifeforce (1985)


Why is this film on here? Because it’s one of the sci-fi greats that i don’t think as much recognition as it should have. A space crew finds an alien space ship with 3 human life forms on board and some giant space bats. They bring them back with them, they turn out to be vampires. Not only vampires, but space vampires! This movie is twisted, dark and probably one of the strangest films I’ve ever seen. It is one of the greats from 80’s, and tobe hooper proves it in this vastly entertaining film.The plot sounds kinda dumb…but I assure you, this movie is lot better then you could possibly even imagine.

8. King Kong (1933)


What would a list of the greatest movies ever that you should have seen be without King Kong? Everyone knows the story…maybe you have seen Peter Jackson’s King Kong. Which is great movie, but here again, nothing beats the original. 1933, and the special effects are still astounding.You will never see another movie as clever as this one from that time period.

7. Gremlins (1984)


The story of how a cute pet can turn into a demon and destroy a town. You know the story. Gizmo, the Gremlins…true movie magic is this film. Gizmo is probably one of the greatest movie characters on the screen that can make you say “awe how cute”.And then they turn into monsters and destroy everything…but anyway, this movie has spawned tons of toys and parodies in other films over the years. This movie even made a sequel, “Gremlins 2: The New Batch” where they actually did a parody of the first movie! How cool is that? Nothing better then knowing you can take a crack at yourself and laugh about it.But anyway, cinematic movie making right here. A MUST own.

6. Poltergeist (1982)


This is a true classic film, that i’m sure all of us have seen at one point at another. Who could forget the scene where the ghost is walking down the stair case…or the family’s daughter lost in the after world. Or how about the coffins bursting through the house revealing the remains of the once living town citizens. This movie is full of classic moments, and this is where the famous “They’re Here” line comes from. And of course it’s sequel “they’re baaaack” originated. This a movie that every house hold should have a copy of of. Seriously.

5.Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)


The very first (but actually second in chronological order) of the Indiana Jones films starring Harrison Ford and directed by Steven Spielberg. Archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones is hired by the US government to find the Ark of the Covenant, before the Nazis do. Giant Bolder. I’m sure you own this movie though.


4. Back To The future (1985)


Robert Zemeckis first of three films about young Marty Mcfly who travels back in time with his buddy doc brown (Christopher Lloyd) to avert certain futures. This movie has the classic scene where Marty plays Johhny B. Good at the high school dance. Who could forget that? The entire film is perfect from beginning to end (even though some of it doesn’t make any sense, but who cares it’s just a movie right?) with great comedic style and adventure. Funny enough, the flying car at the end of the movie was actually supposed to be a joke. Then the studio asked them to make a sequel (Back To The Future Part 2 and 3 that were filmed back to back) so had to compensate the beginning of BTTF 2 because of the ending of this film. Great stuff though, you can’t miss out on it.

3. Ghostbusters (1984)


The gangs all here. Bill, Dan, Sigourney, Ivan, Harold and Hudson.The Ghostbusters logo is the second most most recognizable logo all of time, next to coca-cola. and with good reason. Blasting ghosts, making jokes and kicking some paranormal behind is what Ghost busting is all about. A true classic, one that everyone should at least see once, no matter what your age. I ain’t fraid of no ghost.

2.Star Wars (1977)


No movie more deserving then Lucas’s Original star wars movie. One of the greatest idea’s ever conceived, and probably one of the most recognizable films ever made, Star Wars by far deserves second place. Who could forget about R2D2, C3PO, Lando, Leia, Luke, Vader and all the rest. The original way. Not the shotty sequels that came years later, but the original films with muppets, great story telling and direction. Kudos to you George Lucas for the first 3 original films. Jeers for the latest ones. Because in opinion, do not even come close to holding a candle to these classics, especially A New Hope. Probably more homages and Parodies then any other film to date.

1. Gone With The Wind (1939)


Gone with the wind has been claimed by many as THE greatest film ever made. Maybe…maybe not. But this one stands the test of time. It is truly a great sight to behold, and a worthy film that should be nothing less then number 1 on this list. It is story telling at it’s greatest…characters you will never forget. And famous lines you will hear repeated in other TV shows and movies for another hundred years. If you have never seen this movie, i suggest you do. You will never regret it. Because even if you do not care for it…you can still say “yes, i have seen gone with the wind”, because i think everyone should.The film takes place during the civil war, and what despite what some might say, is not really a romance story.It is the story of a young woman going through all the hardships of that time. Cruel and unusual punishment for her ways, and when she tries to make amends for the things she has said and done “where will i go? What will i do?” Her husband simply replies…”Frankly my dear, i don’t give a damn.”

There you have it. I know theres a few films that SHOULD have been on this list, but i honestly could not find a place for them. Such as “The wizard Of Oz” and “E.T.”But i wanted to compile a list of movies that seem to be part of history…movies time will never forget. Movies that all of us SHOULD have seen at one point in time.Maybe we have…maybe we haven’t. But you should see them. Because for the most part, even though they aren’t all life changing movies, you will never regret seeing them.

Because then you can always say that you have.

Other Films:

26.The Wizard Of Oz


28.Saving Private Ryan

29.Jurassic Park


31.The Godfather




35.A Clockwork Orange

36.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

37.Jason And The Argonauts

38.Logan’s Run

39.Die Hard

40.Night Of The Living Dead

41.The Nightmare Before Christmas

42.Kelly’s Heroes

43.Young Guns


45.Lethal Weapon



48.Full Metal Jacket

49. The Silence Of The Lambs

50.Planet Of The apes

– StraTT